Name: Mary Manuell
Where did you grow up? : Kansas City, Missouri
When did you become a member of the Cornerstone community? : November 2, 2021
What do you do when you are not at Cornerstone? (occupation, hobbies, etc.):
I’m retired. When indoors, I love to read, especially a thriller, a spy novel, or a gripping can’t put it down book that is a page turner to the end. I’m constantly checking out books or movies from our great local library. Watching a variety of movies is also a long-time passion. Especially comedies or action movies, such any James Bond release, or a foreign film that presents a compelling story of people and situations in other cultures. Outdoors, you’ll find me working in the yard or completing a DIY home improvement project. It’s so satisfying to learn how to use new tools to do repairs or build something for the house. But my absolute favorite thing to do whenever it is possible, is to spend precious time with my dear family and wonderful friends. I find my spirit becomes so energized with such deep feelings of caring, support, and love.
What is your favorite workout movement? Power clean. It was one of the first movements I learned.
What is your least favorite movement your Coach makes you do? : Snatch to overhead squat.
What is your favorite accomplishment since becoming a part of Cornerstone?
With much appreciation to Coach Melissa for her guidance and support, I’ve learned several ways to monitor my daily food choices and intake amounts. As a result, I am eating so much healthier and have more energy.
What is something about yourself that we might not know? I’m trying to learn how to paint with watercolors.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started in personal training at Cornerstone?
Cornerstone is a welcoming community of like-minded diverse folks, with different levels of physical ability, who come to be fit, healthy, and mobile, while enjoying a social connection with each other. Well-trained coaches will teach you the movement basics so you don’t hurt yourself. If you prefer certain type of fitness equipment or workout format, a variety of class options are offered. Plus they’ll show you how to scale or substitute any of the movements in each workout, so that you’ll able to participate with confidence. There will be endless encouragement, support, and even good laughs from both the coaches and your classmates. You may feel a little sore after some workouts, but you’ll be glad you came to class. Cornerstone is a welcoming and engaging community from which there is no better place to start your physical fitness journey.
What goals do you have for the rest of 2022?
Continue classes to stay mobile and fit. Accept the challenge of each workout. Continue with daily food choices that improve my nutritional health. Continue getting to know my intriguing classmates better to forge friendships. Definitely get more sleep!
Complete the statement – I am #allin Cornerstone because…..this has become my fitness home away from home. I know I will enjoy an invigorating workout with my classmate family, that at times may leave us breathless and resting prone on the floor. But as our energy quickly returns, we will share our workout experience and celebrate one another’s personal success.