July 2022 Athlete of the Month – Jason Callihan


Where did you grow up? : I grew up in Oxford, Ohio near Miami University.

When did you become a member of the Cornerstone community? : I have been a member of Cornerstone for a little under a year.

What do you do when you are not at Cornerstone? (occupation, hobbies, etc.): I am a Firefighter/Paramedic for the City of Hamilton Fire Department. Outside of that I enjoy golfing and any type of family time with my wife Amy and kids Brady, Madi and Lily.

What is your favorite workout movement? Ummm, bench press for sure. Pull-ups would be second.

What is your least favorite movement your Coach makes you do? : Anything front rack. My mobility is better, but still needs work.

What is your favorite accomplishment since becoming a part of Cornerstone? My favorite personal accomplishment has been gaining confidence back. Without really being aware of it, I had lost confidence over the last few years.

What is something about yourself that we might not know? I have been the Pastor of LWMB Church in Liberty Twp for the last 3 years. I also have run a few marathons and completed a triathlon. 

What advice would you give to someone just getting started in personal training at Cornerstone? Listen to the coaches. They are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. They have your overall fitness goals and outcomes in mind.

What goals do you have for the rest of 2022? Even though I feel as if I’m in a healthy place, I would still like to end 2022 better physically, emotionally and spiritually than I came in. And bench press 405. And squat at least 1 pound more than that.

Complete the statement – I am #allin Cornerstone because….. It is the BEST gym, with the best people I have ever been a member of. The best from the ownership and coaches, to the members. The support from my coach and community is amazing. It is a place where I can be encouraged, motivated and held accountable to be my best.