March 2023 Athlete of the Month- Sobia Ashraf

Name: Sobia Ashraf

Where did you grow up? : Brooklyn NY

When did you become a member of the Cornerstone community? : January 2021

What do you do when you are not at Cornerstone? (occupation, hobbies, etc.): Work in Government Accounting at GE Aerospace and travel.

What is your favorite workout movement? Cleans

What is your least favorite movement your Coach makes you do? : rope climbs 

What is your favorite accomplishment since becoming a part of Cornerstone? Improving my form on cleans and snatches. Hitting new PRs now that I’m consistent with attending classes again. 

What is something about yourself that we might not know? I am the Queen of Tres Leches cakes 

What advice would you give to someone just getting started in personal training at Cornerstone? Show up to classes and try to learn. It’s the best way to grow. If you want to improve form, attend Olympic Lifting with Coach Brandon! 

What goals do you have for the rest of 2023? Learn kipping pull ups! 

Complete the statement – I am #allin Cornerstone because…..the community and the coaches are great. Even when I think I can’t do something the people around me push me and give me confidence that I can.