Name: Matt Williams
Where did you grow up? Butler County, Oh. Raised in Fairfield Township. Live in Liberty Township.
When did you become a member of the Cornerstone community? 2013. First WOD I ever did was Fran at the Cornerstone Xmas party! In jeans and socks! Before I was a member. Thanks Stacie! Thanks Jen O!
What do you do when you are not at Cornerstone? (occupation, hobbies, etc.) Kroger Technology Leadership. Free time is all about our kid’s sports…Baseball and Football and recently Rugby. Stacie and I spend many, many rewarding hours watching Sam and Jake play sports. It’s awesome!
What is your favorite workout movement? Bar Muscle Ups. Power Cleans. Burpees.
What is your least favorite movement your trainer makes you do? Thrusters. Thrusters. Thrusters.
What is your favorite accomplishment since becoming a part of Cornerstone? 145# Snatch PR (which I’m struggling to hit again!). The snatch has been the hardest movement for me to learn.
What is something about yourself that we might not know? Lived in Guadalajara, Mexico for a summer during undergrad.
What advice would you give to someone just getting started in personal training at Cornerstone? Listen to your Coach!
What goals do you have for the rest of 2019?. 225# Power Clean. 100 unbroken double unders. 25’ handstand walk. Compete again!
Fill in the Blank
I’m #allin Cornerstone because…of the incredibly supportive and encouraging Community and the World Class Coaches. I’ve made lifelong friends at Cornerstone. The coaching staff has made me a better CrossFit athlete. I’m routinely impressed with the coach’s knowledge and insight about the lifts and movements of CrossFit. The coaches are great ambassadors of the sport. The Cornerstone Leadership team does an exceptional job of providing a variety class times, so despite my crazy schedule, I can general make a class. Being part of the Cornerstone Community gives me another opportunity to demonstrate for my boys that hard work pays off!