December 2019 Female Athlete of the Month – Salma Fleilfil

December 2019 Female Athlete of the Month - Salma Fleilfil

Name: Salma Fleifil

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and then my family moved to West Chester when I was nine.

When did you become a member of the Cornerstone community? In August of 2017.

 What do you do when you are not at Cornerstone? (occupation, hobbies, etc.)  I like to travel, bake, and volunteer.

What is your favorite workout movement? I love all the gymnastics movements but probably bar muscle ups.

What is your least favorite movement your trainer makes you do? Wall balls and thrusters!!

What is your favorite accomplishment since becoming a part of Cornerstone? Staying consistent and knowing that I am really pushing myself. After doing gymnastics and having coaches plan everything out for so long, I wanted to

transition into being completely self motivated, Cornerstone has helped me do that.

What is something about yourself that we might not know? I lived in Dubai for four months, and I am fluent in Arabic.

What advice would you give to someone just getting started in personal training at Cornerstone? You are going to love this! Start small and take a small step at a time, you will be surprised as to how fast you will progress. Always remember that there is a scale for everything, so don’t feel like it’s all or nothing. Have a schedule and stick to it as much as you can Also, you will be sore for the first few days! (:

What goals do you have for the rest of 2019?. Spend time with family,go to the gym five days a week, and maybe hit a PR!

Fill in the Blank 

I’m #allin Cornerstone because staying healthy is a lifelong commitment and Cornerstone and the Cornerstone community have helped me stay true to this commitment.