Name: Cindy Ipach
What was your number one goal when you started at Cornerstone? My goal was to become healthier and build muscle for horse jumping competition.
What was your biggest challenge keeping you from achieving that goal? My biggest challenge is laziness, no joke. I would much rather sleep.
In what ways have the coaches impacted your success? I would be an overweight sloth if not for the wonderful coaches I have had over the many years with Cornerstone. We have a gym in our home but I do not use it. I know I need to get to the gym because Brandon is waiting on me. Even through Covid, Brandon provided virtual training and kept me on track.
How has your success empowered you in other areas of your life? Being fit helps my confidence. It also reminds me of my strength so when things are tough, I already know I can make it.
How has the community helped you grow? I love waking into the gym in the morning and seeing all my friends. Being there with like minded people is uplifting. Hearing the encouragement and knowing that they are cheering because they care is heartwarming. That pushes me to be better. You can’t ask for more!
Complete the statement….I am #allin Cornerstone because…I love the people and the positive atmosphere, which is why I drag my butt out of bed to go workout.