Name: Kathy Meyer
Where did you grow up? I was an Air Force brat and moved nine times before graduating from High School. My favorite place I lived was Honolulu, Hawaii.
When did you become a member of the Cornerstone community? July 2018
What do you do when you are not at Cornerstone? (occupation, hobbies, etc.) I’m a nurse at the Cincinnati VA Hospital. I enjoy spending time with friends, family and Ike (my dog).
What is your favorite workout movement? Kettlebell swings.
What is your least favorite movement your trainer makes you do? Lunges
What is your favorite accomplishment since becoming a part of Cornerstone? Participating in the Rookie Rumble
What is something about yourself that we might not know? I can count and sing a song in Tagalog (I lived in the Philippines)
What advice would you give to someone just getting started in personal training at Cornerstone? Listen to our great coaches. Ask questions. Every movement can be scaled or changed to meet your individual needs.
What goals do you have for the rest of 2019? Burpees and sit ups unscaled. Thinking about a competition with my sisters who also do crossfit in the fall.
JD and I have discussed my goal of getting stronger so if I had a fall I would be able to get up and call for help. This is one main reason I came to crossfit. I had a fall two weeks ago & got up easily – Goal accomplished.
I’m #allin Cornerstone because the coaches and other athletes provide such a caring, positive environment for me to achieve my personal goals.