What was your number one goal when you started at Cornerstone?
It wasn’t necessarily a goal I had but rather wanting to be around cool people. I used to watch crossfit and wanted to be around that environment.
What was your biggest challenge keeping you from achieving that goal?
Stepping out of my comfort zone.
In what ways have the coaches impacted your success?
All of the coaches are very helpful. They make you feel like you’re an actual person rather than one person in a hundred person class. They also push you to do your greatest even when you feel like you can’t that day.
How has your success empowered you in other areas of your life?
It has given me confidence in things I have not felt confident in before and has forced me to step out of my comfort zone. This has also brought me to be more optimistic with life and view working out as fun and not just another job.
How has the community helped you grow?
I have really grown with them and it has become my second family.
Every person at cornerstone has taught me so much and not all has to do with fitness @bourbonandbarbellscinci
Complete the statement….I am #allin Cornerstone because… it’s my happy place no matter whats going on outside the gym. when I leave it I’m in a better mood ready to take on whatever gets thrown at me. Cornerstone is a fun place to be whether the WOD is fast sprint or a long grinder despite which end of the spectrum the workout falls in to me they’re fun and enjoyable lastly cornerstone has given me so much confidence to do things I’ve never done before and that’s why I’m #allincornerstone.